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you need protect the balloon from bad obstacle and avoid them before hit the balloon or you will lose the game . up […] NÁLEŽITOSTI PRE UPLATNENIE REKLAMÁCIE DODANÉHO POŠKODENÉHO TOVARU - Reklamáciu poškodených zásielok zasielajte emailom spoločne s fotodokumentáciou (nafoťte poškodený výrobok, vrátane obalu). - Do emailu uveďte číslo predajného dokladu (faktúra) alebo číslo objednávky. - Popíšte okolnosti pri odovzdaní výrobku a okolností pri akých bolo zistené poškodenie. My Dashboard Profile Two Factor Authentication My TRADEBIT.EXCHANGE Wallet Terms & Conditions Logout.

Balloon Keepers is an amazing simple game , inspired by trending game “The Keepers” and “Rise Up” . you can also have this game and play this game by your style . you need protect the balloon from bad obstacle and avoid them before hit the balloon or you will lose the game . up […]

Tradebit customer service communicated very well with me throughout the entire process of me downloading the wrongly advertised manual. After the waiting period, that the seller never contacted me back, I was given a full refund, promptly!

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My download is missing information or not as described. I did not receive my download code via email. Downloading to a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc) (2) - Tradebit also charges more then the sellers asking price.

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